The Mind of David Berglas 大衛 巴格拉斯更新6/27/2010 - 魔術討論
By Elvira
at 2010-06-25T20:52
at 2010-06-25T20:52
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本帖最後由 bradrosa 於 2010-6-29 02:38 AM 編輯
真的很利害 他真的是心靈大師而且網上找不到他的教學影片
David Berglas (生於 7 30, 1926) is a psychological illusionist and mentalist.[1]
Known as the "International Man of Mystery", he is said to be one of the world's leading mentalists.
In his 2009 Enigma show brochure, Derren Browndescribes David Berglas as "One of our greatest living magicalperformers" and thanks him "-for his constant inspiration andgenerosity. Each show is indebted to his artistry and astonishing bodyof work. Thank you David".
The "Holy Grail" of Card Magic is known as "The Berglas Effect"[2] which is also known as ACAAN (Any Card At Any Number).
Some of the celebrities he has entertained include Winston Churchill, Aristotle Onassis, Paul Getty, Lord Mountbatten of Burma, the Rolling Stones, Elton John, Michael Jackson, the Sultan of Brunei and most of the British Royal Family.
In 1999 he established a non-profit organisation called, theFoundation for Promoting the Art of Magic (FP-AM). This has benfittedthe magical fraternity and has donated substantial funding foreducational establishments like The College of Magic in Cape Town,South Africa. The Foundation presents the prestigious 'Berglas Award'annually at the International Magic Convention held in London. In 2008it was awarded to Uri Geller [3],[4]. and in 2009 to David Copperfield.
真的很利害 他真的是心靈大師而且網上找不到他的教學影片
David Berglas (生於 7 30, 1926) is a psychological illusionist and mentalist.[1]
Known as the "International Man of Mystery", he is said to be one of the world's leading mentalists.
In his 2009 Enigma show brochure, Derren Browndescribes David Berglas as "One of our greatest living magicalperformers" and thanks him "-for his constant inspiration andgenerosity. Each show is indebted to his artistry and astonishing bodyof work. Thank you David".
The "Holy Grail" of Card Magic is known as "The Berglas Effect"[2] which is also known as ACAAN (Any Card At Any Number).
Some of the celebrities he has entertained include Winston Churchill, Aristotle Onassis, Paul Getty, Lord Mountbatten of Burma, the Rolling Stones, Elton John, Michael Jackson, the Sultan of Brunei and most of the British Royal Family.
In 1999 he established a non-profit organisation called, theFoundation for Promoting the Art of Magic (FP-AM). This has benfittedthe magical fraternity and has donated substantial funding foreducational establishments like The College of Magic in Cape Town,South Africa. The Foundation presents the prestigious 'Berglas Award'annually at the International Magic Convention held in London. In 2008it was awarded to Uri Geller [3],[4]. and in 2009 to David Copperfield.
All Comments
By Jacky
at 2010-06-28T14:36
at 2010-06-28T14:36
By Heather
at 2010-07-01T08:21
at 2010-07-01T08:21
By Sarah
at 2010-07-04T02:06
at 2010-07-04T02:06
真的滿好看的 剛找任何牌任何數字無意找到的 先貼這麼多吧 bradrosa 發表於 2010-6-26 04:52你推薦的影片,一直以來都有一個大缺點:沒有影片內容的描述。 或許有的人會說「點下去播放不就知道了嗎?文字描述可有可無」 可是以我嚴謹的為學態度,當有人推薦一個鏈結給我時,至少要讓我知道點下去之後會發生什麼事。 說真的,我在家連 Youtube 那麼慢,加上這次又這麼多影片,巴格拉斯我興緻原本就不高, 種種因素的總合,我只好把我不想點下去全部歸咎於「你總是沒有文字描述」。 或許又有人會說「要不要看隨你便呀!又沒有強迫你非看不可」。 但那不是我要表達的重點,今天你是主動在「推薦」一部或多部影片,就要想辦法引人入勝, 至少要跟黑山老妖一樣,一想到就會大笑。 最後,「無意找到的」這種話也好意思拿出來講, 這意味著你所推薦的東西並沒有經過你的過濾,只是剛好看好就放上來了。 以這種態度發表文章,中國人強不起來,你要負一部份責任。 壹週刊表示法:劣、劣、劣、劣! 虧完了,真爽!
By Hamiltion
at 2010-07-06T19:51
at 2010-07-06T19:51
By Leila
at 2010-07-09T13:36
at 2010-07-09T13:36
By Charlotte
at 2010-07-12T07:21
at 2010-07-12T07:21
By Poppy
at 2010-07-15T01:06
at 2010-07-15T01:06
By Olivia
at 2010-07-17T18:51
at 2010-07-17T18:51
By Una
at 2010-07-20T12:36
at 2010-07-20T12:36
By Olga
at 2010-07-23T06:21
at 2010-07-23T06:21
By Audriana
at 2010-07-26T00:06
at 2010-07-26T00:06
By Kumar
at 2010-07-28T17:51
at 2010-07-28T17:51
By Aaliyah
at 2010-07-31T11:36
at 2010-07-31T11:36
By Erin
at 2010-08-03T05:21
at 2010-08-03T05:21
By Robert
at 2010-08-05T23:06
at 2010-08-05T23:06
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at 2010-08-08T16:51
at 2010-08-08T16:51
By Carol
at 2010-08-11T10:36
at 2010-08-11T10:36
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