台積創新館-創新小學堂影片活動 - 金門

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2021-07-29T16:42

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Everybody 看過來 看過來唷~




Step.1 看完影片

Step.2 完成Google表單

Step.3 於此篇貼文按讚+留言:我已完成任務!並tag 2位朋友

Step.4 Google表單跟社群媒體按讚留言記得於同一天完成唷!



*活動日期:即日起~2021/08/31 (GMT+8)







您可以隨時向我們提出申請查詢、閱覽、補充/更正、請求停止蒐集、處理、利用或刪除您的個人資料。若您有個人資料權益相關問題,請聯絡主辦單位 (03-5636968)



Check this out! Everyone!

We have new section on TSMC Museum of Innovation website.

TSMC MOI Discover Technology is published~

From now on, watch the video and finish Google survey, then you can get an exclusive prize!
Check it out to enhance knowledge and have a gift.(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Discover Technology video link:

Online Google Survey: https://forms.gle/FwRu3EnLisTQrayj8

*How to get an exclusive prize:
Step.1 Watch the video

Step.2 Finish Online Google Survey

Step.3 Like this post + leave a comment: Mission completed! tag 2 friends.

Step.4 Don’t forget to finish the steps above on the same day!

*Google account is required to fill out the online survey.

*Each account/person has only 1 chance to join! (Facebook / Instagram choose one)

*Event date: From now on~2021/08/31 (GMT+8)

*The list will be organized every Friday (The deadline is subject to our confirmation)

*We will inform you by e-mail as we send out every other week.

Kind reminder:
*Please provide your personal address (Deliver to convenient store is not allowed)

*The prize delivery area is limited to Taiwan (including Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu)

*Thank you for participating in the Gift Event of TSMC Museum of Innovation. The collection of your personal information herein (including name, contact information, address, email…etc.) is strictly limited for the use of reward related processes and for the purpose of making contact with you or other steps relating to the disposition of the rewards.

All collection efforts will strictly adhere to the “Personal Data Protection Act” of the Republic of China and within the scope of this reward related processes.

Your personal information will only be used under general data processing within the territory of the Republic of China and will be destroyed in one (1) month after the gift was send out.

You have the right to contact us to review, edit/correct, request to stop collecting, processing, using, or deleting your personal information at any time.

Should you have any questions about personal data rights, please contact the event organizer at (03-5636968)

By submitting your personal information, you hereby consent that the organizer may use the relevant information to provide information or services within the scope permitted by law.

Absence of your personal information will affect your rights to participate in the gift event and obtain event information or awards. The event organizer reserves the right to modify, terminate, or ch



All Comments


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2020-10-16T00:16
【展覽名稱】來自北方的凝視—郭雪湖與他的南國世界 【展訊連結】http://www.lianggallery.com/?p=18125 【展覽地點】尊彩藝術中心2樓(臺北市內湖區瑞光路366號) 【開放時間】週二至週日11:00-18:00 【策展人/主辦單位】吳超然/郭雪湖基金會 ======== ...

台南 激點情境汽車旅館(寵物友善)

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2020-02-23T19:26
激點情境汽車旅館(台南館)住宿資訊 住宿日期: 2019.6.8~6.9 地址: 台南市北區和緯路三段210號 電話: (06) 350-0070 註: 假日入住時間下午7點,退房時間隔日早上12點;早餐7:30~11:00 寵物可同房,每房每隻酌收清潔費500元,不限犬種 網誌好讀版 ...

栗喉蜂虎「嬰兒潮」 保育員忙到人仰馬翻

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2019-07-28T19:09
記者蔡亞樺 / 報導 台北市立動物園/圖片提供 / 攝影 | 2019-07-26 19:02:08 台北市立動物園甫於7月上旬開幕的穿山甲館,吸引攝影愛好者,搶拍艷麗的夏日精靈「 栗喉蜂虎」。園方從104年起,與台大森林環境暨資源學系的野生動物研究團隊負責野地 生態調查與「棄蛋」撿拾、華信航空負責「棄蛋」 ...

顛覆院線模式 蔡明亮美術館行銷術

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2019-05-20T11:45
※ [本文轉錄自 Artfilm 看板 #1SuYACz5 ] https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20190510insight001/0 電影常被稱為「第八藝術」,但把電影當成藝術、甚至跨媒材結合創作的導演卻不多,而 蔡明亮就是其中的代表人物。 從電影、藝術到行銷,蔡明亮 ...

顛覆院線模式 蔡明亮美術館行銷術

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2019-05-20T11:45
※ [本文轉錄自 Artfilm 看板 #1SuYACz5 ] https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20190510insight001/0 電影常被稱為「第八藝術」,但把電影當成藝術、甚至跨媒材結合創作的導演卻不多,而 蔡明亮就是其中的代表人物。 從電影、藝術到行銷,蔡明亮 ...