[情報] 對museum studies 有興趣的人... - 博物館

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2006-06-17T16:20

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※ [本文轉錄自 AdvEduUK 看板]

作者: clementia (貓形聖安娜) 看板: AdvEduUK
標題: [情報] 對museum studies 有興趣的人...
時間: Tue Jun 13 22:14:38 2006


因為是UCL 本身雇用、在UCL 唸書
只是看起來是part time job,唸書也是part time



(Based initially in UCL Art Collections)

Two years, part time (0.5 FTE) 18.25 hours pw

£18,852 – £21,493 pro rata including London allowance

UCL is offering a traineeship for an enthusiastic person interested in a

career in museum work. We are seeking someone who enjoys working with people

of all ages, has experience of working with culturally diverse groups and

is committed to making museums relevant and welcoming. The traineeship will

be based initially at the UCL Art Collections which has important holdings

including European prints, drawings, paintings and sculpture from c. 16th

– 20th century and the Slade School of Fine Art's unique collection of

student prize paintings, drawings and prints. Over the two years you will

have the chance to work with other collections at UCL, and you will receive

training and practical experience in the care, documentation and

interpretation of collections, and in visitor services; helping with school

group visits, supporting researchers and students and assisting with outreach

work and the development of online services.

Your course fees will be paid to enable you to undertake a two year part-time

MA in Museum Studies at UCL (one day per week outside work hours). Applicants

should possess at least a second-class honours degree (2:2) or equivalent

qualification. For an informal discussion about the post please contact Dr

Andrea Fredericksen on 020 7679 2821.

Further details and an application form can be found at

http://www.ucl.ac.uk/museums/jobs ,

or can be obtained from Chris Cook at [email protected];

telephone: 0207 679 5038.

Closing date for all posts 30 June 2006

Interviews for most of these posts will be held between 10 and 14 July.




All Comments

時尚 藝術以及設計 ----- 觀看Vivienne …

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2006-06-15T23:09
恕刪~ 本身帶過幾次當代館的導覽 剛結束這個展又跟原文講的有點關係~ 說說我本身的經驗好了~~ 因為剛結束這個義大利時裝展對我來說是一個很頭痛的東西 雖然本身是設計科系~但是差很遠...(我是工設~) 所以我一直在想要怎麼樣可以帶得好~ 最後 我是從工設的觀點切入 反正 服裝設計也是一種產品設計(喔?) 比如 ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2006-06-15T16:33
第一次來這個版就來求救 andgt;andlt; 請問一下 有沒有知道 有個博物館 放的是聯考的文物 先謝過各位了.... - ...

遊朱銘美術館 手機語音導覽

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2006-06-15T01:27
想問一下~有人真的用過這種導覽方式嗎? 我之前在北美館有看過,不過畢竟要付費所以沒有嘗試 不知道品質好不好? 還有我常常會想重聽某一段,是不是就很不方便呀? ※ 引述《filmwalker (夢想起飛的季節)》之銘言: : 記者祁安國/報導 : 「人間所呈現的是木刻上色彩粗獷,或是保麗龍 ...

遊朱銘美術館 手機語音導覽

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2006-06-14T12:04
記者祁安國/報導 「人間所呈現的是木刻上色彩粗獷,或是保麗龍鑄銅,被綑著的人像形態扭曲,沒有臉容 ,但表情卻呈現一般詼諧、活潑、豪放、野性的味道」。一遊金山朱銘美術館不再只是看 熱鬧,只要打開手機就可親聽朱銘如臨現場般的在導覽,這也是台灣大哥大與朱銘美術館 合作,推出全國第一座手機語音導覽旗艦館。 目前在 ...

時尚 藝術以及設計 ----- 觀看Vivienne …

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2006-06-13T10:40
※ 引述《MichaelSoft (aa)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《satanc (通通閉嘴好了)》之銘言: : : 大家好 我是新來的同學 常常默默在潛水 : : 有個疑問想要請教大家 : : 想要請問大家是怎麼看待 藝術 設計以及時尚這三方面之間的分野 : : 之前北美館展過了時尚生涯三十年的展覽 : : ...