探索肢體工作坊 - 台北

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2011-08-21T10:53

Table of Contents

「探索肢體」工作坊Explore Your Body


課程時間Time: 08/27-10/08 周六 Sat.11:00-12:40 A.M.


上課地點 Venue:台北國際藝術村Taipei Artist Village

台北市北平東路7號,No.7, Bei-Ping East Road, 100, Taipei

(捷運善導寺1號出口Exit. 1, MRT. Shandao Temple)


Above 18 years old. No previous dance/movement/artistic
experience necessary.

授課內容Artist Workshop:工作坊中,我們將探索不可思議的人體外觀構造、身體價值


We will explore our marvelous body's physical presence, its weight, its
balance, its movement, its stillness. We will explore our body in space, on
its own and with other bodies, working through infinite possibilities. We
will explore what our body can do, when it moves, when it falls, when it
touches, when it dances, when it is still, when it just is. 

No previous dance/movement/artistic experience necessary. Just bring your

mind, open heart and beautiful body. Wear clean, comfortable exercise
clothing (sweatpants and t-shirt/sweatshirt), and be prepared to move and be

活動費用Tuition:單堂/每人250元 each lesson / NT.$250 per person,

6堂/每人1200元 six lessons / NT. $1200 per person

省荷包小祕訣Bonus: 兩人結伴再享9折。It two people go together, they can get
10% off discount.

報名洽詢Tel.:(02)3393-7377轉分機extension 102林小姐 Miss Lin、或分機or
extension 100陳小姐 Miss Cheng。

報名傳真 Fax and Mail:(02)3393-7389或寄至:[email protected]


Mauro Sacchi 袋摩道 (貓肉先生)




今年,除了Mauro先生自己的世界首演劇"Package Piece"、驫舞劇場的全新的作品「繼承
者」("Successor")外, 他也將在臺灣、香港、南非、瓜地馬拉、馬來西亞、美國等地舉

Mauro is a performing artist, teacher, playwright and scholar. His interests
include the body, movement, contact improvisation, meaningful real
choreography, embodied performance, Grotowskian physical theatre, art as
ritual, and the connections between them.

Mauro is currently moving, creating and performing with Horse Dance Theater (
驫舞劇場), while completing work on his Master's in Dance Theory at the
Taipei National University of the Arts. He also sits on the Advisory Board
for the ngo EMERGENCY-USA, and loves to create food.

This year, aside from the world-premiere of his play, "Package Piece", and
Horse's ambitious new work, "Successor"], he'll be criss-crossing the globe
to perform, teach and present his research in Taiwan, Hong Kong, South
Africa, Guatemala, Malaysia and the US.

He is very thankful to his many teachers.

Tags: 台北

All Comments


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-08-19T20:34
《銘印》建築概念展 Outsidersand#39; First impression of Architecture 銘印,是由一群非建築本科系大學生辦的建築概念展,以建築憧憬為題, 邀請觀者一同分享創作者誓言投入建築領域的初衷。 日期:2011.08.27~2011.09.02 時間:13:00~ ...

荒木經惟"BLACK FRAME 遺影"黑框拍立得攝影展

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2011-08-18T21:19
完整圖文版:http://ppt.cc/TrkH 「有人說,攝影照的是光線,但真正的攝影,捕捉的是其身後的影子」~荒木經惟。 大家還記得1999年於北美館舉辦的荒木經惟個展嗎? 那些遊走藝術和情色間的作品,現在想起還真令我臉紅心跳, 可是即使我是透過所謂的情色攝影,認識了荒木經惟, 但我現在喜歡的, ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-08-18T17:40
原文恕刪 不好意思想請問有沒有北藝博物館所的朋友, 可以告訴我北藝這個學分班的評價如何嗎? 好不容易在台北找到工作,蠻想多接觸博物館這一塊的, 看到這個學分班蠻心動的 希望有版友可以給我一點意見,謝謝! - ...

2011 台北國際藝術博覽會(門票買一送一)

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-08-15T21:02
收到博客來售票網的活動訊息  http://tickets.books.com.tw/progshow/08010701466154 2011 台北國際藝術博覽會(8/26~8/29 世貿一館 11:00~19:00) 即日起至8/20預售期間,早鳥優惠票買一送一$200元 很令人期待啊~ ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-08-14T19:47
2011年「FORMOSA SHOW 100 福爾摩沙秀」經過數個月的宣傳與邀請,收到近百件作品,範圍涵蓋工業產品設計、平面設計與商業插畫、空間設計、服裝暨織品設計、以 及飾品設計等5大類。在不限定主題的前提下,經由評審層層審件,評選出21位創意獨到的設計師和藝術家,總計42件作品即將在今年九月配合一年一度的 ...