表演魔術注意事項 - 魔術討論

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2006-11-15T10:43

Table of Contents

剛巧見到這玩有個magic forum。所以來看下 !

以下是從很出名的魔術書,Now you see , now you don't 轉載出來,希望對各魔術師表演魔術有幫助:

1) Be Natural

2) Watch your Angles

3) Practice Palming wherever you are

4) Presentation is half the battle !

5) Never Repeat a Trick

6) Patter is important

7) Practice intellignetly

8) Never Show Anything You Can't do Perfectly (自己認為最重要!)

9) Don't Tell

10) You can Learn sieight of Hand

11) Stay with it

12) Don't Neglect your hand

13) Pratice is what it's all about

14) Misdirection

15) Disguise

Tags: 魔術

All Comments

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2006-11-16T14:14
感謝大大無私的分享阿 造福我們 太感謝啦^^:redface


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2006-11-12T01:18
謝謝謝謝大家的推薦發揚光大的魔術很棒美不勝收很神奇很想得 ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2006-10-11T19:29
請問香港邊間魔術用品店信譽同質素比較好架? 我只知兩間 ........ (唔知信譽同質素好唔好) MAGIC EAST LIMITED 東方魔力有限公司 MAGICTONE 魔術通 請問仲有冇其他呢 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2006-10-07T06:49
請問有人有自由女神便不見的影片嗎..拜託拜 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2006-10-01T17:51
Sample TextSample Text十月一日國慶日,從不番大陸的我1~知道歡樂谷有魔術節喎!都唸咗好耐番唔番啦?之後都係番咗去睇吓~(其實到咗羅湖時都仲心大心細:14到咗深圳之後再轉地鐵啦............(其實都好方便:00 入到去呢~攞住份地圖,唉~大鑊喇~先知唔係集中一處,而係分開晒,但係 ...

HI 我想換教學片

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2006-09-27T08:19
我的清單如下 有興趣者請與我連絡 msn shoexboyathotmail.com 及時通 shoexboyatyahoo.com.tw Aldo Colombini - Impromptu Card Magic Vol.1 Aldo Colombini - Impromptu Card Magic Vol ...