一次式波型計劃 - 台北

By Ethan
at 2008-06-27T22:59
at 2008-06-27T22:59
Table of Contents
展覽名稱 一次式波型計劃 A Waveform Project
活動地點 北風藝廊 BF Gallery
活動時間 2008/7/11~2008/7/27
相關網站 http://blog.roodo.com/waveform
一次式波型計劃 A Waveform Project ]
opening|2008.07.11, 7:00 pm
哎哎叫但又身體力行的創作者對談 Ahhhtists' talk|2008.07.20, 6:00 pm
地點 Place|北風藝廊
[ 一次式波型計劃 ] 假想展覽可以散發出一個環狀的波型影響力向外擴散,影響力所及
這樣 "之間" 的關係性,藉由展覽狀態的時間線追蹤,看看有沒有什麼好玩的...
[ A Waveform Project ] assumes the expo itself to be a ring-shaped wave,
which travels outward carrying influential energy. It attempts to find out
what a spectator captures--about what the creators intend to express through
their works-- during his/her visual trip in the gallary. This is a voluntary
event, and an experiment of the concept of exhibition-planning. All of the
participants are dilettantes who are keen on creating.
Whether something interesting is hidden in such interactive relationship, by
means of tracing the timeline of the state of the expo, is awaiting to be
參與創作者:彭瑩瑩, 溫朝凱, 青同, 吳宣萱, 陳柏任, 王馨儀, 蔡佾玲,王榆鈞, 陳萱
北風藝廊 (台北市中山區民生東路2段120號2樓)
Tel 2 2561 6516, 週一~週日 13:00~19:00
︿ ꄊ ●◆< 渣仔 快去畫圖
活動地點 北風藝廊 BF Gallery
活動時間 2008/7/11~2008/7/27
相關網站 http://blog.roodo.com/waveform
一次式波型計劃 A Waveform Project ]
opening|2008.07.11, 7:00 pm
哎哎叫但又身體力行的創作者對談 Ahhhtists' talk|2008.07.20, 6:00 pm
地點 Place|北風藝廊
[ 一次式波型計劃 ] 假想展覽可以散發出一個環狀的波型影響力向外擴散,影響力所及
這樣 "之間" 的關係性,藉由展覽狀態的時間線追蹤,看看有沒有什麼好玩的...
[ A Waveform Project ] assumes the expo itself to be a ring-shaped wave,
which travels outward carrying influential energy. It attempts to find out
what a spectator captures--about what the creators intend to express through
their works-- during his/her visual trip in the gallary. This is a voluntary
event, and an experiment of the concept of exhibition-planning. All of the
participants are dilettantes who are keen on creating.
Whether something interesting is hidden in such interactive relationship, by
means of tracing the timeline of the state of the expo, is awaiting to be
參與創作者:彭瑩瑩, 溫朝凱, 青同, 吳宣萱, 陳柏任, 王馨儀, 蔡佾玲,王榆鈞, 陳萱
北風藝廊 (台北市中山區民生東路2段120號2樓)
Tel 2 2561 6516, 週一~週日 13:00~19:00
︿ ꄊ ●◆< 渣仔 快去畫圖
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